Thursday, March 19, 2020

How Research-Driven Marketing Generates Demand With Michele Linn

How Research-Driven Marketing Generates Demand With Michele Linn Can a well-researched piece of content from a single URL help bring in millions of views in just one year? The answer is, â€Å"Yes.† knows exactly how that feels. Researched content helps you drive 10X results that convert into profitable customer action. Today, we’re talking to Michele Linn, who knows everything about research-driven content marketing. She is the co-founder and chief strategy officer at Mantis Research. Michele has amazing advice to offer on how to succeed at content marketing. Research is crucial for content marketing; people want to find data that supports their thoughts and beliefs; become the authoritative source for some type of topic Examples of research include ’s State of Marketing Strategy Report, and research reports from Salesforce and Robert Half Find new ideas for your audience/niche by conducting a survey, or looking for a stat that people believe but is not backed up by data Audiences that care most about research-based content are those in a new industry to gain justification, and on social media that like to share stats Importance of research-driven content to prove or disprove something Targeting Topics: Is it something that’s interesting to your audience? Does it align with your brand’s story? Is there other research available on this topic? Research can be time consuming, about 4-6 months; but it is worth the effort Research can be a guiding force and the glue that holds your story and editorial strategy together Pitching researched content to justify time spent; what does client care about? Content to produce results; start out small, don’t do too much at once Tools and processes work well to gather research; try surveys and secondary research; determine sample size to be considered representative and valid Metrics to measure for success include media mentions, impressions of research, leads, downloads, email subscribers, and backlinks Research Process: 1) Strategy and planning, 2) Data science, 3) Compile data and turn into story, 4) Incorporate research into blogs, infographs, videos, etc. Links: Mantis Research Content Marketing Institute Ultimate Guide: How to Publish Survey-Based Research for Content Marketing State of Marketing Strategy Report Salesforce Robert Half Andy Crestodina DivvyHQ Andrea Fryrear SurveyGizmo Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Michele Linn: â€Å"What we are trying to do with marketers is help them publish their own original research.† â€Å"Research is a real opportunity because you and your brand become the authoritative source for some type of topic.† â€Å"I think it can work for a lot of different industries, you just have to figure out what your audience truly cares about.† â€Å"When you have research, it really can be that guiding force and that glue that holds your whole story and your whole editorial strategy together.†

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Time Expressions in Spanish

Time Expressions in Spanish Here are some miscellaneous words and expressions of time, with an example of each used in a sentence: al cabo de (after) - Al cabo de una semana, si el paciente no ha respondido al tratamiento, la dosis puede ajustarse. After a week, if the patient hasnt responded to the treatment, the dose can be adjusted.  ¿A cuntos estamos?  ¿A cuntos estamos hoy? (What day is it?) cada dà ­a (each day, every day) - Cada dà ­a te quiero ms. I love you more each day. el fin de semana (weekend) - Disfrute de un fin de semana romntico en nuestro hotel. Enjoy a romantic weekend in our hotel. de hoy en ocho dà ­as (a week from today) - De hoy en ocho dà ­as nos parecer que fue todo un mal sueà ±o. A week from now it will seem to us like it was all a bad dream. pasado/a (last) - La semana pasada fuimos a la ciudad. Last week we went to the city. prà ³ximo/a (next) - La vacunacià ³n masiva comenzar la semana prà ³xima.The mass vaccination will begin next week. (Prà ³xima can also be placed before the time designation.)  ¿Quà © fecha es hoy? (What day is it today?) que viene (next) - El DVD estar disponible la semana que viene. The DVD will be available next week. quince dà ­as (two weeks, fortnight) - Cada quince dà ­as se extingue una de las 6.700 lenguas del mundo. Every two weeks one of the worlds 6,700 languages goes extinct. un rato (a while) - Y despuà ©s saltaba a la piscina y nadaba un rato. And afterward I would jump in the pool and swim for a while. todos los dà ­as (every day) - Jugar todos los dà ­as con los hijos es fundamental para su desarollo. Playing every day with your children is essential for their development.